Saturday, 13 July 2013

What is it all about? What's coming up?

I recently finished the "About me" page to share some facts about me, my thoughts about the wargaming hobby and intentions and motivation about this blog. I will include some pictures later when they are ready.

So, what's coming up in the next days? I am currently working on my technical equipment for photograpy and video recording and editing (Yes, there will be videos in the future). The first content to come will be a review about the projects I did in the past. As these pieces are finished completly I hope to add a lot of content in a short time.
After that I will show you my recent project with a lot of work in progress. To ease up things I am going to add some tutorials and How-to's about materials, tools and techniques. I like to invite you to attend my projects, comment, make suggestions and feel free to ask questions. I wish exchange my ideas with you and i am really looking for your comments and questions.

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